
Annual IT&S survey 

for all the information about the results

The IT&S satisfaction survey was launched at the start of the year to gather your feedback on the activities of 2021.

35% of you gave us their opinion.

Let’s look at the results in detail!

Global satisfaction: 91%

419 of you answered the annual survey

Per zone:


The Asia-Pacific zone has the best level of satisfaction, followed by the Americas zone

By age and seniority:

It appears that if you are aged between 40 and 50, and have been working at Haulotte for 1 to 2 years, you are completely content (or almost)

Does this mean that the youngest of us and those who have been in the company longer are more demanding????

Focus on services and solutions

The greatest improvement in satisfaction is recorded by the “Projects”. Many of you noted the improvement of the “test” phase and overall project monitoring. Equally, you noticed a significant improvement in the management of the “training” phase.

The helpdesk part remains stable in relation to last year with a score of 8.3/10.

Training: The Digi’Tips were a big hit with 8.6/10

These mini training courses were launched on H3 a year ago and have provided support for the site’s users.
In 30 minutes, you learn how to use a tool or refresh your knowledge (Teams, Excel searches, optimization of Outlook usage, etc.). It’s a safe bet that these courses will spread to other sites!

The carbon footprint of our IT ecosystem

IT security: 8.3/10 is the score obtained when you are asked about your awareness of security and how you perceive the effectiveness of our actions.

This score reveals a good level of awareness, even if we should all feel even more concerned!

Lastly, the IT&S team asked two more open questions concerning the environmental footprint of the IT department.

The first focused on the impact of the IT solutions on our environment (Green IT). 

  • 77 people think it is critical,
  • 249 people think that the IT&S carbon footprint is important,
  • 94 think that it is moderately important,
  • 12 think that it is derisory.

In terms of scores, the result was user awareness rated 7.5/10 and the IT department’s sensitivity regarding the issue rated 6.5/10, which is clearly insufficient.

Overall, good results once again for this year, which prompts the IT&S department to make every effort to continue to provide you with the best level of service. However, the work does not stop there. The teams will consult the people who expressed dissatisfaction to find solutions to make users’ lives easier.

The IT&S department is also actively working on improving our environmental impact to increase our involvement on these matters. We are all concerned and everyone can also act individually to contribute to this approach.

The IT&S teams look forward to seeing you all again at the start of 2023 for a new survey with one aim in mind: achieving 93%!

Further reading