Group ISO certification
As we mentioned in our article in Together #8 (+link), the teams have been working to obtain a single certificate for all the Group’s entities. It will be held by our H3 headquarters.
The external audit process started in September with the Archbold plant in the United States, and ended with the Argès plant in Romania at the start of January 2022.
Each “Quality System and Environment” team concerned in the subsidiaries, plants and H3 followed an internal audit schedule on several sites to ensure that the standards and processes are complied with. Several sites were also inspected by external auditors.
Almost 40 days of audits in total!
The excellent news is that at the end of her various inspections, the external auditor in charge of our case recommended our certification. This recommendation was accompanied by a few non-compliances on several of the sites audited, but this did not affect our certification. Our certifying body validated the recommendation and validated our certificates, a fantastic recognition of the work accomplished by everyone, and proof of quality for our customers. The map above shows the list of certifications obtained.
Of course, it is up to us to implement the areas for improvement required with regard to the non-compliances to become even more robust.