Did you know that Haulotte holds 268 patents worldwide?
They protect our inventions against forgery and ensure we have a monopoly over their usage for a maximum of 20 years. Patents therefore support the Group’s long-term strategy and contribute to making Haulotte an innovative company!
A patent is an industrial property right which gives the holder a monopoly on an invention. The holder can freely produce, sell, import or keep their invention. “If an invention is useful for the customer, the patent provides a real competitive advantage. It is also a bonus for communication, as it contributes to the image of an innovative company,” explains Hélène Salaville, Intellectual Property Manager.
Consequently, by not applying for a patent, you run the risk of spending time and money developing an invention, only for others to take advantage of it unhindered!
Applying for a patent: precision work
“In practical terms, a patent protects an invention, which is defined as ‘a technical solution to a technical problem’”. Patents can be applied for in all fields: mechanical, hydraulic and even digital. Just to clarify, the term invention is used for a patent. It is only once it comes onto the market that an ‘invention’ will become an ‘innovation’!
To be accepted, the patent must concern an invention that is both new (never before seen in the world) and is the result of an inventive step. Applying for a patent therefore starts by through research and by questioning: could anyone have thought of this invention before us?
If an invention satisfies these criteria, it is studied by the InnoBrevet committee set up by Hélène Salaville. “InnoBrevet brings together the marketing and technical managers. We try to prioritize inventions for patent protection according to their technical advantages and the market expectations.”
Finally, the patent application is filed at the office of the country in which we want to protect an invention. Initially, patent applications for Haulotte inventions are mostly filed in France at the INPI, then on our largest markets: USA, Canada, Europe, China and Australia. However, they can also be filed directly in the USA for example.
46 patent families
Many of the patents applied for by Haulotte come under the categories of safety or energy, particularly with the move to electric power. The digital field is likely to strengthen in the coming years.
“The Group currently has 46 families of patents in force. A family corresponds to an invention, and may give rise to several patents. In total, Haulotte holds 268 patents!”
A patent protects an invention for up to 20 years. Good knowledge of the patents in force is therefore strategic to obtain maximum profit from the monopoly and optimize our solutions!
Aujourd’hui, 30 % des brevets déposés par Haulotte sont utilisés sur nos machines (un taux tout à fait conforme à la moyenne). Les autres brevets du groupe sont aussi très utiles ; soit pour bloquer la concurrence soit en réserve stratégique, en attente d’une nouvelle norme par exemple.
Car d’un point de vue global, les brevets s’inscrivent dans la stratégie de propriété industrielle, qui s’attache à toutes les facettes de nos produits :
- Brevets, pour la partie technique
- Marques, pour l’identité et les signes distinctifs
- Dessins et modèles, pour le design.
268 patents means over 30 inventors from R&D and the marketing department.
However, it means the involvement of many Haulotte employees in the projects, with customers to listen to their needs, in the design office and in the purchasing department.
Coming up with an invention involves teamwork!
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